Everlast Insurance Brokers cc is an independent Short term Insurance Brokerage, licensed by the Financial Services board, license number 951.

Our vision is to be a prime Insurance Brokerage in the markets we operate in, with our roots based nationally.

Everlast Insurance Brokers is a well established brokerage with more than 20 years of experience. Our current portfolio is in excess of 400 short term policies.

Why Us

We offer undivided customer service to every client and make it our responsibility to ensure that the best advice is given to each client thereby maximizing their profitability.
We are a brokerage that is very focused on our clients needs and we are confident that we are a customer driven brokerage.

Service Offerings

▪ Motor Vehicle

▪ Building Insurance

▪ Business Insurance

▪ Heavy Commercial Vehicles

▪ Personal Insurance

▪ Public Transport Vehicles

▪ Marine Insurance

▪ Specialist in Liability Insurance


Tel: 031 262 9111 /51 /55

Fax: 086 669 4293

E-Mail: avilash@everlast.co.za

11 Stanhope Crescent, Westville North

Durban, 3629

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